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Intimate Conversation with Heather Buchanan

Intimate Conversation Interview with author and publisher Heather Buchanan

Heather Buchanan, owner of Aquarius Press, is an award-winning publisher. She is also the author of Dark River (2008), a novel of suspense about slavery in the north. Aquarius Press is the publisher of Reverie: Midwest African American Literature. Heather is a past VP of the Great Lakes Independent Publishing Association.

Black History Book Spotlight
It's Worth the Struggle: Inspiration for Contemporary Writers (2009)

Ella: Heather, tell us about your passion for writing.
Living a writer’s life, whether novice or professional, can be the loneliest thing in the world. Writers, misunderstood by friends and family, often have nowhere to turn when they face crises. In answer to this problem, It’s Worth the Struggle: Inspiration for Contemporary Writers was put together by an international circle of writers willing to share their experiences to help other writers. What makes Struggle unique is that it addresses not only the common obstacles writers face (such as writer’s block), but the deeper issues: haunting abusive childhood flashbacks, a dying parent, scrambled finances in our current economic crisis. For these special reasons, It’s Worth the Struggle is a book not only for writers and creatives; it is comfort for any and all facing today’s trying times.

Ella: Heather, finish this sentence- I am Powerful because. . .
I am Powerful because. . .I never give up.

Ella: What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
Our book is unique because it addresses problems specific to writers and creative people in general. Because these particular people often write to comfort and/or inspire others, who comforts and inspires them? In addition, the book offers practical advice for readers in this difficult economy, namely, "Writing During the Lean Times" by Sylvia McClain.

Ella: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
That there is hope and inspiration for writers and other similarly creative people, even in hard economic times.

Ella: What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer? The most significant achievement thus far is the It's Worth the Struggle series, because it offers inspiration to others. The book series ideas came very easily, so we took it as a sign that this would be a good path to follow.

Ella: Name 3 things that it takes to make a successful author, in your opinion?
Dedication to exploring universal ideas, willingness to accept constructive criticism, and perseverance.

Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
The next in the "It's Worth the Struggle" series, another inspirational how-to.

Contact Heather
Heather Buchanan, M.A. Publisher, Aquarius Press
Member, Publishers Marketing Association (PMA)
Founder, Independent Publishers of Michigan (IPM)
Reviewer, BlogCritics and MyShelf
State Board, American Association of University Women of Michigan
Member, Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA)
Author, Dark River: A Novel of Suspense

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