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Intimate Conversation with Lillian Cauldwell

Intimate Conversation Interviews with author and radio host Lillian Cauldwell

Ms. Lillian Cauldwell is an active author of three fiction books, former disc jocky, radio host and is now the President & CEO of her radio station, PIVTR: Passionate Internet Voices Radio

Lillian Cauldwell lives in Ann Arbor, MI. She's a graduate of Hartford College For Women, a two-year school in Hartford, CT (1971). Ms. Cauldwell attended the University of New Hampshire for her junior year and majored in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Lillian Cauldwell had her first nonfiction book published in 1996, 'Teenagers! A Bewildered Parent's Guide' by Silvercat Publishing. Atrium ranked it number ten in its top newly published books, and the book went into a second printing. In 2003, Lillian wrote a historical science fiction book, 'Sacred Honor,' which was published by a Print On Demand Publisher. Between 1996 and 2003, Ms. Cauldwell wrote short stories and had them published by for their Do A Good Deed Charitable Section. Ms. Cauldwell spends her time writing, doing Book Reviews, Mentoring high school students in learning how to write, and owns and operates an Internet talk radio station, Passionate Internet Voices Talk Radio, Inc.

Lillian taught at an online school operated by Denise Casino. Currently, Lillian Cauldwell is working on three plays, 'Betty, Death By Starvation,'A Camp David Christmas,' and 'Faithless Angels,' ‘The Anna Mae Mystereis - King Solomon's Ark, and Camazotz', a vampire story set in South America.

Ella: Lillian, introduce us to your new book. I can't wait to read it!
The Anna Mae Mysteries-The Golden Treasure, a multi-cultural historical paranormal mystery for tweens. Three tween sneaker-toed sleuths find Jefferson Davis' lost gold treasure with help from a disembodied black fist and divining rods.

The book is written in several layers and in three different cultural languages. English as spoken while at school, tween-speak when they're with their peers, and Gullah, because Granma Zora speaks that dialect. She lives on St. Simons Island off the coast of Georgia, a slave island during the War Between the States.

The older the reader, the more layers of the book are penetrated. I wanted to write for tweens because they're not considered kids nor are they considered teenagers (independent of parents). Tweens are in a world of their own. Tween girls still fight against traditional cultural and social prejudices: dumb themselves down, get pregnant, wear lots of make-up, or wear mini skirts to get noticed by boys, the Civil War is still fought down south, racism and social class distinctions are still practiced. Go ask a tween. They'll tell you the truth. They're influenced by their parent's verbal, emotional, and mental behavior. As one book reviewer stated, "Move over Nancy Drew, there's a new girl in town!"

Ella: Lillian, finish this sentence- I am Powerful because...
I am Powerful because I portray tweens as they really are. Their instant loyalties, betrayals, likes, dislikes, frailities, flaws. I am Powerful because I REMEMBER what it was like being a tween and want to remind everyone that tweens are a product of culture, society, and behavior.

Ella: Why should we celebrate Black History 365 days a year?
Celebrating Black History 365 days a year is important because all history is intertwined. If history isn't taught, then people are doomed to repeat the mistakes and/or failures they have made in the past. Black people contributed to United States history. To ignore or not speak about them is an ELEPHANT in the living-room. You can't get around their presence! These people made a difference. Their stories must be told yearly. One month is a disgrace. It's like teaching people about the Holocaust and then forgetting it until the next year rolls in. It's a topic that must be studied just like Black history is a topic that must be studied in order for the United States to remain whole and as one nation.

Ella: Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
I am originally from Long Island, New York. I started writing after being diagnosed with Systemic Lupus. I couldn't work outside the home. My husband suggested I start writing as therapy. It blossomed into writing novels for tweens.

Ella: Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
The two main characters in the book are Granma Zora Kingsley and Anna Mae Botts. I like the fact that each believes in one another and are there for each other. Usually adults are portrayed as the enemy in most young adult books. However, I know that tweens can relate better to grandparents because each can love the other unconditionally. Even though Anna Mae and Granma Zora bicker, Anna Mae realizes that her granma is her alley in life. That's what makes this book special; Anna Mae's and Granma Zora's flaws and overcoming them.

Ella: What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
The combination of the paranormal, lost gold treasure, and a tween up against the status quo and school bully, "Pit Bull." When people hear my one line pitch sentence, they ohh and ahh, and then order the book--Three tween sneaker-toed sleauths find Jefferson Davis' lost gold treasure with help from a disembodied black fist and divining rods.

Ella: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
That girls are fine the way they are. It's the rest of the world that's out of whack. That girls shouldn't dumb themselves down to attract boys. There's a wide world out there. Go and get it. That before you can change something, make sure you have something else to put in its place before changing it. Learning to live with the status quo and how to change it without resorting to violence.

Ella: What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer? How did you do it?
My most significant achievement as a writer is helping other authors achieve their dreams. I did it by creating an Internet talk radio station where published mid-list and unknown authors are marketed and promoted to the media and the world; to provide a conduit for voices not otherwise heard in this noisy world; and to provide educational content and quality information to the listener to they can turn around and use it in their spiritual, business and personal life.

What advice would you give a new writer?
a) Go to the bookstore and find out what books sell the most. b) Look for the publisher's name and agent's name. c) Write what you know and passionate about. d) Know your target audience and write to that audience. e) Get a professional edit on your manuscript. f) Be opened to rewrites-as many as it takes to polish that manuscript. g) Be flexible. h) Be patient. i) Prepare to market and promote your book.

Ella: Name 3 things that it takes to make a successful author, in your opinion?
To become a successful writer: Tenacity, Patience, and Passion.

Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
The Anna Mae Mysteries is a multi-cultural series. The second book is halfway finished: The Anna Mae Mysteries-King Solomon's Ark. The third book is The Anna Mae Mysteries-The Tablet of Stone. The fourth book is The Anna Mae Mysteries-Sunken Treasure. Apart from The Anna Mae Mysteries, I'm working on Vampire Turf Wars, The Black Hat Society and I Wish Upon a Star. In addition, I write Black Comedies and Theatre of the Absurd.

Ella: Share with us the details of your radio show.
Internet Talk Radio audience is growing by leaps and bounds. By 2010, 187 million people plus streaming. PIVTR prides itself on providing quality programming and content rich programs to the world.

Our talk radio station is built upon three principles: 1. Help market and promote published midlist and unknown authors to the media and the world; 2. Provide a conduit for people who might not otherwise have a chance to speak up and be heard. 3. Educate the public with quality information and content so that they can use the immediate benefits in their spiritual, personal and business life.

Based on these three important platforms, PIVTR has earned a reputation in the field as a quality niche station that offers consistent and effective programs to the world. PIVTR isn't competing with other Internet talk radio stations in popularity, celebrity authors and/or guests, or even world famous people. PIVTR stands for helping people achieve their goals, dreams, aspirations, and learn life skills so that everyone has a chance at helping themselves, each other, and the world. Quality comes first!

L S Cauldwell-- "Creator" Cauldwell

Voices of the People - United We Roar!

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