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Intimate Conversation with Mozell Fleming

Intimate Conversation Interview with author and poet Mozell Fleming
Mozell Fleming author of Arrivals Departures and Flights of Fancy. Born in Bethesda Maryland in 1961. Bethesda Naval Hospital. Thought it was Walter Reed! Traumatic accident at very young age…first memory. From the D.C. area…a Southern boy. Schooled primarily in the South, Virginia, Florida, Mississippi …ok New York, NYC in the house! Universal black man, Author, writer, Veteran, X-con, X-addict…survivor! God is my foundation.

Finish this sentence: I am Powerful because...
I am powerful because I believe in good. This gives me strength to keep hoping to keep trying.

Why is Black History 365 days a year important to you?
Black History 365 days a year… Some look at Black History as a weight, others see it as a time of shame. Still others see it as a crutch. Then there are those who view it as inspiration. I am of the latter. Black History has contributed to my attitude, my development…Our history is what makes us strong and teaches us daily there is no obstacle that we can not overcome!

Civil rights workers had a song…
“We shall overcome someday”
History tells us what we came from. What we are poised to overcome.

Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
I am from the South! I began writing about 18 months ago. I fasted for three days; I took two books along for the journey. The Bible and Fire from the Sky. (A book about the life of Alexander the Great) I have not looked back.

Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
You and I are the main and only characters of my book. That’s why we like them… most of the time!

What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
The cover of our book…is interesting. A man flying under his own power in a beautiful blue sky! That’s what life is all about!

Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
That varies on the piece. Looking at yourself or and others… is always profitable. Thinking.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned in creating books?
How easily I make mistakes typing! It’s amazing that people all are just so much alike in so many ways… that we just don’t see. Not just Black folk, but all folk!
What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer?
Realizing my own potential, yet not taking myself too seriously. Giving some of me away. There is the reward… this philosophy of "the user being used." It empowers and soothes me all at once.
What advice would you give a new writer?
Get an Editor! Allow folk to read before you submit there is nothing as embarrassing as publicly showing the world spelling errors. The literary folk will eat you alive. I know first hand!
Don’t be afraid to fail… keep on writing.

Name 3 things that it takes to make a successful author, in your opinion?
The ability to read and understand what you read. This builds vocabulary and teaches you what works. Don’t have thin skin. Accept criticism as learning tool. People will be people and you are not perfect either. Promote, promote, promote!

What can we expect from you in the future?
In the future I will release Children’s books and Poetry Books. If I have time…lol. I will write a fiction book or two. Wish me good hunting! I also am thinking about doing E-books… I prefer to turn pages myself. People ask for CDs but I like books. I may break down and do one. I’ll need James Earl Jones… his voice rocks. He could do major justice to any of my work. If you know him tell him to holler at a brother!

Share with us your latest news, events or upcoming book releases.
I shall continue to screen my request for appearances as they float across the screen. ( Yes I do my own bookings) (Yes I want to know exactly where I am performing.) I will continue to speak and recite my work and my life experiences as often as I can. I have the next Poetry book complete and it will go to editing in March of 2009. I will expand the list of HBCUs that I am partnering with to try to fund as many of our youths educational pursuits as possible.

I am doing book and poster signings as the need arises.

My favorite honor is Poet Laureate from This is the People’s Choice Title. That’s worth more to me than the favorable reviews I receive from Academics.. But they are nice to have also! I also have begun to produce and co-direct shows during my Book signing events. Video will be out soon just chill!

My contact info is as follows:

Mozell Fleming Blog

Mozell Fleming…author

My book is available just about anywhere books are sold. Both brick and mortar and E-stores. My favorite spot is your local Public Library!

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