Intimate Conversation with author Monroe S. Tarver
Introduce us to your book,"Imagia and the Magic Pearls" and the main characters.
"Imagia and the Magic Pearls" takes place in Trillow, the land of three suns. The story tells of the Elf Princess, Imagia, who lives in Upper Zembah. She spends all her time studying and has little time for friends. One day she finds a hole in the palace walls and enters the forest, even though she knows this is forbidden. She does find friends there, but has scary adventures as well. During her adventures, Imagia learns the power of imagination as well as some important life lessons.
Who were your favorites? Are your characters from the portrayal of real people?
Of course they are all my favorites, but I really like the Braidworms, Water Ostrich and the Creepod flowers. These creatures help define my world of Trillow and each has his own interesting history. I grew up with braids in my hair, so a creature like the braidworm seems natural in my world.
What makes you powerful as a person and a writer? Who are your mentors?
My Imagination makes me powerful as a person and a writer. Walt Disney was my biggest mentor. I loved the world he created with his characters and always wanted to create my own world and characters -- ones that came from my imagination.
A Legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time. Finish this sentence- My writing offers the following legacy to future readers...
My writing helps open the door for fantasy chapter books where dark skinned characters are strong role models.
What specific situation or revelation prompted you to write your book?
My first trip to Disney world actually changed me forever. I felt so many things were possible.
Who do you want to reach with your book and the message within?
I believe every child has a pearl (talent). If they allow the wizards(parents, teachers) around them to help them learn as much as they can, then their pearl will become just as powerful as I've made my pearl -- my writing and drawing over the years.
What are some of their specific issues, needs or problems addressed in this book?
Prior to "Imagia", there's been a dearth of dark-skinned role models in children's literature.
Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
I want kids to feel free and empowered to develop and use their imagination.
What do you think makes your book different from others in this genre?
There are very few, if any, Classical Fantasy Chapter books for children aged 5 to 9 to read themselves, or for parents to read to younger children. Unlike the one-sitting childen's books, chapter books provide small children with a sense of anticipation, as well as a chance to fantasize about what comes next.
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I'm working on the next book of the Tales From the Mapmaker series ...
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"Tales from the Mapmaker", book 1: 'Imagia and the Magic Pearls'
written by Monroe Tarver.
published by Wizarding World Press
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