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SLS 2009 Awards Show: Quiet Strength

Quiet Strength

by John D. Evans

I got out of the bed mourning
The news I heard was dim
I almost started crying
But I just held it in

I made my way to the shower
Listened to the news replay
Ever watchful of the hour
I prepared for the day
January 31, 2006

One more time in my ear
I could no longer do it
It became so clear
I could see it

The miles she must have walked
The tears started streaming
The many lessons taught
By Coretta Scott King

A child during the Depression
Cast to the side by society
A soloist and musician
Blessed multiplicity

A student of music and education
Prejudice showed an ugly face
She became determination
And marched with grace

To the one-room Crossroads School
Coretta would walk the miles
A love for learning was true
I can see Lincoln High

An incubator of love and hope
Allowed Coretta to shine
A trumpet and a piano
To her was sublime

A muse of music was evident from the start
A music and education major at Antioch
The second time the college had a Scott
Graduated and found a way blocked

A soloist, she stood before crowds elegantly
A teacher with a voice graced the stand
At Second Baptist Church, she’d sing
A soldier molded by a mighty hand

A voice so gentle and sweet, I hear it ring
Scholarship did not cover everything
At the New England Conservatory
Where she met the Rev. Dr. King

A fight for civil rights was not new
Alabama was home to destiny
The impossible became true
I can hear walking feet

A wife in ’53 and mother in ‘55
The Kings lived in danger
The fight was alive
So was anger

A bombed blasted the home
Thank God they were safe
Muses are never alone
Only saved by grace

A partner she was in her pride
A love for her family strong
Her poetry couldn’t hide
She carried each song

A boycott against the status quo
Changed the course of time
Paved a way for her to go
High, she would climb

A partner at her husband’s side
They traveled to dark places
Passion, she couldn’t hide
Loving all human races

With a humble spirit, spoke
Standing tall with pride
A solider for civil folk
Many nights, cried

Her husband was taken away in ‘68
Her heart pierced by the sting
The march couldn’t wait
Led by Coretta King

Fifty thousand people through Tennessee
Marched until they opened the door
Justice for all shall someday be
And hope for people, poor

An international advocate for peace
On the global stage, she preached
Go ahead and receive increase
Coretta King we did meet

Copyright © 2006 by John D. Evans
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