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Speak up! Speak Out! Session 1

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1 comment:

  1. Concerning the Speak Up! Speak Out! video Session 1:

    I am happy to be alive to witness this moment in history. This is a defining moment for the future of humankind. This is not a brief moment and the experiences of hope and joyous expectation are not brief.

    See, this is a world-wide revival and it is ordained of God. This revival does not look like what we know a revival to look like. It is not traditional.

    Remember when God called out Moses and told him that He had heard the lamentations of His people? Well, have we not been moaning, crying and groaning about the conditions of our country/countrymen? About the conditions of our planet, and the conditions of our very own lives?

    It is also written that ". . .all creation groaneth for the manifestations of the sons of God. . ."

    So, the revival is for the world not just our nation. But it will start here. President Obama did not just happen, he is simply part of the ordination of God. A big part, but just a part nonetheless. You and I are part of the revival process also and we have specific duties to perform during these next four years. Please don't be a slacker.

    1st Irma 1:27 says "Keep Looking Up, SomeOne's Coming Back Soon!" Amen, Amen, and Amen!


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