Give the Gift of Knowledge
BAN Awards and Winners
We will also post our book winners here by first initial and last name. Books are given away to the 3 people from our newsletter list each month and nightly to every 10th, registered, BTR chatter that enters the BAN chat room.
If you would like to offer prizes or gifts to the winners, please email Ella for instructions.
Mail all giveaways and review books to:
Ella Curry, EDC Creations
PO Box 7794
Langley Park, MD 20787
Advertise on this Blog
Make all payments by clicking here
Here is the link and name: EDC Creations Media Group
Aired 3 times in one week; Client creates 1 min. audio mp3 file; Podsafe music only-no copyrighted music! Audio can be for a event, book or business. Must be of high quality. Reserve the right to refuse recordings based on quality and background music.
Banner placed on the sidebar for 14 days. Link to your site or bookseller
Full Page Book Spotlight--$65.00
Large book cover graphic or e-flyer; Book preview; Video Trailer; Link to Bookseller
Page stays on the blog for 4 months; written interview can be included.
To purchase advertising on the BAN Blog, visit the EDC Creations' payment center and make the payment with Paypal or your credit card. Email Ella with all the materials to complete your project: No refunds or exchanges of services!
Make all payments for advertising on the BAN Blog by clicking here
Off Topic: General Conversation & Shout Outs
My BAN radio show suggestions. Ask marketing questions. Share a joke or two.
This is not a board for advertising and promotions! I will delete ads. Share real information or ask questions here. We have a spot for promotions. You can even purchase advertising on the site.
Community Chat: The Art of Seduction
Get what you want by manipulating everyone's greatest weakness: the desire for pleasure!
Robert Greene is a masterful writer, this book made open my eyes and start looking beneath the surface of the people in my life and business! My favorite chapter was titled: Pay Attention to Detail. Have you read this book? What were your thoughts? Share your reviews.
Community Discussion based on The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
Phase One: Separation--Stirring Interest and Desire
If you haven't read this book, you must pick it up! I can't say I agree with all the principles in the book, but it definitely puts you ahead of the game in dating and relationships. One friend of mine stated that she uses this book in her business dealings! I might mention she is the ONLY black woman to lead a department in her international corporation.
Let's take a look at 3 passage from the book and discuss how they could damage or help a relationship. You can preview the book at Amazon if you haven't read the book, but want to join the conversation. Visit this link to preview the book, much like browse in a bookstore. You can use the search feature on this link to find the topics below. Purchase this book if you want to become a master at seduction! You will be pleasantly surprised at the content.
Choose the Right Victim (page 167) - Everything depends on the target of your seduction. Study your prey thoroughly, and choose only those who will prove susceptible to your charm. The right victims are those for whom you can fill a void, who see in you something exotic. They are often isolated or unhappy, or can be easily be made so--for the completely contented person is almost impossible to seduce. The perfect victim has some quality that inspires strong emotions in you, making your seductive maneuvers seem more natural and dynamic. The perfect victim allows for the perfect chase.
Discussion: What are your thoughts on this passage? Have you ever felt like a "victim" in a relationship? Does needing another person to fill a void really make you a victim?
Enter the Spirit (page 219) - Most people are locked in their own worlds, making them stubborn and hard to persuade. The way to lure them out of their shell and set up your seduction is to enter their spirit. Play by their rules, enjoy what they enjoy, adapt yourself to their moods. In doing so you will stroke their deep-rooted narcissism and lower their defenses. Indulge your targets' every mood and whim, giving them nothing to react against or resist.
Discussion: Can you see through a person who is playing up to you? Is it really worth it to engage in activities you aren't really interested in to satisfy another person?
Confuse Desire and Reality--The Perfect Illusion (295) - To compensate for the difficulties in their lives, people spend a lot of their time daydreaming, imagining a future full of adventure, success, and romance. If you can create the illusion that through you they can live out their dreams, you will have them at your mercy. Aim at secret wishes that have been thwarted or repressed, stirring up uncontrollable emotions, clouding their powers of reason. Lead the seduced to a point of confusion in which they can no longer tell the difference between illusion and reality.
Discussion: What do you take from this passage? Is this honest or healthy in a relationship?
If you have read the book, share with us your favorite passages or comments. Please tell us what page you found the text on and what the title of the chapter.
Workshop: Press Kits, Media Kit
Host: Ella Curry and Featured Expert
Date: TBA Later in Event (Stay Tuned!)
Note: Open 24/7 for blogging; Live Session TBA
Subjects to be discussed:
Authors do you have presskits? Do you have a presskit online too?
What are the advantages to having a online presskit?
How do you prepare a traditional presskit?
Workshop: Handling Galleys
Host: Ella Curry and Featured Expert
Date: TBA Later in Event (Stay Tuned!)
Note: Open 24/7 for blogging; Live Session TBA
Subjects to be Discussed:
How do you obtain a galley and who do you send it to?
Who do you send a finished copy of the book?
Which kind does the media prefer: galley or finished copy?
Share a list of book reviewers and book clubs that review books.
Workshop: Creating Relationships
Relationships Discussed:
Agents and Publishers
Publicist and Service Providers
The Media Online and Brick & Mortar
Social Media Marketing
Host: Ella Curry and Featured Expert
Date: TBA Later in Event (Stay Tuned!)
Note: Open 24/7 for blogging; Live Session TBA
Workshop: Non-traditional Sales
Workshop includes steps on:
Creative thinking and goal setting
Creating your brand and plaforms
Internet Marketing and Promotions
Street Teams and Sales Representatives
Host: Ella Curry and Featured Expert
Date: TBA Later in Event (Stay Tuned!)
Note: Open 24/7 for blogging; Live Session TBA
Workshop: How to Start a Publishing Company
This workshop will discuss how to start your own publishing company. Topics up for discussion:
:: Traditional publishing vs. Self-publishing Pros and Cons
:: Hard copy format vs. Digital Formats (Kindle, eBooks or Audio Books)
:: Stumbling Blocks to Avoid
:: The Hats of a Self-publisher
:: Legal Matters for Business Owners
:: Getting in Bookstores and Libraries
:: Publication Dates, Barcodes and ISBN tutuorials
:: Printing and Distribution
Host: Ella Curry and Featured Expert
Date: TBA Later in Event (Stay Tuned!)
Note: Open 24/7 for blogging; Live Session TBA
Workshop: Publicity Timeline
How will the author establish their publicity timeline? Give us tips and advice to establishing the foundation and the steps needed to complete the process.
Host: Ella Curry and Featured Expert
Date: TBA Later in Event (Stay Tuned!)
Note: Open 24/7 for blogging; Live Session TBA
Meet Dr. Deborah Smith Pollard
Dr. Deborah Smith Pollard, who enjoys a dual career as a university professor and gospel radio host, recently added the title “author” to her list of accomplishments.
EDC: Finish this sentence: I am Powerful...
DSP: I am Powerful because of my own prayer life and because of the love, support and prayers of my family and friends.
EDC: Where are you from?
DSP: I was born in Ecorse, MI, but I have lived in Detroit proper most of my life.
EDC: Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
DSP: Since my books is non-fiction, I don’t have characters per se, but I do have two individuals in my chapter on women gospel announcers (From Princess Premium Stuff and Miss Mandy to Holy Boldness: The Impact of Women Gospel Announcers) whom I admire because of their commitment to God and community, their verbal skills, and their ability to sell anything to anybody. Martha Jean “The Queen” Steinberg and Irene Johnson Ware ruled the airwaves in Detroit, MI, and Mobile, AL, respectively and subsequently became national radio icons. Steinberg had been inducted into three halls of fame by the time she passed away and Johnson Ware has received national citations from
EDC: What makes your book stand out and would make a reader pick it up?
DSP: My book covers a range of issues and new contemporary forms of gospel music: praise and worship in the urban church, gospel musical stage plays, the changing dress code in the Black Church and in gospel music, women gospel announcers, and Christian rap. Some of these elements are quite controversial, but I write that if you get past the new outer exterior of these forms, you will find that they rest on the same Biblical principles that have always been the foundation of Christianity.
I hope readers will also appreciate the 32 photographs that are in the book, including Kirk Franklin, the Clark Sisters, Pastor Marvin Winans, The Cross Movement, Vickie Winans and Donnie McClurkin. My hope is that readers will pick it up, read the chapters, and then think about the various sides of each issue I present in the book, especially the ones about which they have strong or conflicted feelings.
EDC: Ultimately, what do you want readers to gain from your book?
DSP: I hope readers will gain an appreciation for the range of opinions that surround contemporary gospel music, even something as completely church based as praise and worship music.
EDC: What is the one most surprising thing you have learned in creating books?
DSP: I’ve learned that writing the book is challenging; getting the word out about the books is even more challenging!
EDC: What can we expect from you in the future?
DSP: There are other aspects of contemporary gospel music I am currently researching, including liturgical dance, mime, gospel and the movies, and the racier side of urban contemporary music.
Deborah Smith Pollard, Ph.D
Author: When the Church Becomes Your Party
Educator: Wayne State University Press
For more information:
Email address:
Business Spotlight: Simply Said Reading Accessories
Intimate Conversation with Simply Said Reading Accessories
“Can I Make Your Mark?”
Hello Black Authors Network,
The “Gift-Marks”, are oversized, colorful, creative, and unique bookmarks that I create. These Gift-Marks are more of a gift, or a keepsake item. These souvenir type promotional tools are excellent marketing items that are designed with your fan base in mind. When creating this product, all of your promotional and retention needs are met. In making these keepsakes for your fans, all of your contact information, book covers, synopses, web info and almost anything your fans need to stay in contact with you is there. Even after they are awaiting your next masterpiece and reading another, they are still looking at you and your information.
The Gift-Mark also comes in a half size, which is perfect for a mass paperback as well as an oversized business card/bookmark!
The Book Thongs are book jewelry for the book lover. What woman doesn't love a piece of jewelry? They are sexy, unique, and very pretty. They come in many jeweled colors and types. They are excellent contest prizes and promotional gifts. They are also designed not to slip of out your book. The come packaged with an insert, which can be your book cover and a message from you!
Simply Said Reading Accessories also creates a line of note cards and book plates that can be signed and sent as a thank you to a fan or a book club after hosting an event for you. I also wholesale to book stores and card shops; I have over 200 pre-designed bookmarks in categories such as motivational, religious, wise and witty, children’s, pet lovers, provocative, and more. I do have a perfect one for everyone you know.
Simply Said Reading Accessories has done custom work for authors such as Donna Hill, Rochelle Alers, Marcia King-Gamble, Noire, Cheryl Robinson, Dwan Abrams, L.A. Banks street team, Pat G’Orge Walker, LaConnie Taylor Jones, SORMAG, Marissa Monteilh, and this is just to name a few.
Intimate Conversation with Simply Said Reading Accessories
Debra, finish this sentence: I am Powerful because...
I know to surround myself with people who are smarter than I
I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge
I am not afraid to try
I absolutely love what I do
Ella: Nicolo Machiavelli says, "It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one." Did your company change the way consumers were previously taught to think?
Yes. Stop thinking only quantity think also of quality, and to raise the bar.
Ella: What got you started in this business/industry? How did you start your writing or speaker's journey?
It all started by me giving all of my clients gifts for the holidays. They read under the dryer, I am a hairstylist. So it was a natural fit. I also added my salon information on them. One of my clients is author Marcia King-Gamble and she asked me to customize some for her. That’s Simply Said, how it all started. Giving them that gift became a gift for me.
Ella: What separates you and your firm from the competition?
Because I am such an avid reader, I really try to bring the authors vision to life as they try to do in their books. I know and understand that having your brand embedded into memory, is one of the most important things an author can do. Simply Said Reading Accessories is a signature, a brand, a gift that shows you've gone the extra mile. It also says that you have invested in yourself. Also I am first and foremost a fan so I tend to look at things from both angles, a business aspect as well as a fans point of view. Realizing and using those two visions I am able to create a good fit for the authors and their fans.
Ella: What one thing would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Hire help knowing I can pay them!!
Ella: Describe the strangest thing that has ever happened to you in your business?
Well, not strange but funny, I had to come up with a gimmick to get peoples attention. So I created a tee shirt that says, “Wanna See My Thong”??? I wear it to book events I attend. When I ask women “do you wanna see my thong” they answer back, no I have my own! I then say I want to show you mine anyway and they almost cringe at what the may see! I even had a few run. LOL Now of course the guys say YES!
Ella: What is your biggest challenge in business? How did you overcome it?
Honestly it was convincing people why my product is worth the money. Authors have gotten used to doing the 5000 throw away types. That I had to really work hard to make them understand that yes… those are appropriate in some venues but think of “gifting” your fans. Especially your loyal fans and Book clubs that support you. This has been one of the hardest they to get across, I am overcoming it by word of mouth and people seeing others using them as promotional material.
I created this slide show showing where most of the throw away type bookmarks end up after a festival and I caused a bit of a rumble. It made people stop and think about how your promo materials actually can be held on too. It opened a dialog.
Ella: What advice would you give someone just starting out in your industry?
In the Movie Dream Girls, there is a song called Patience and is the one thing YOU MUST HAVE in this business and in life... Do your homework. There is so much to learn. Please don't just jump without studying the industry. You'll save your self a lot of time, money and tears. Also re-invest back into your business.
Ella: What do you enjoy most about your profession?
I love meeting like minded people that are sharing, networking, meeting authors, seeing the finished products and the endorsements!! I am also enjoying traveling to many book events all over the country.
Ella: What are 3 things all leaders possess?
Drive, determination, and faith.
Ella: What's new in your company for 2009?
Simply Said Reading Accessories is also adding new products and services! I have learned so much over the last few years that I will be starting a consultation division, to the growing list of services. I will be coaching you on how to get the optimum results out of your marketing budget, creating themes, and how to do it. Please contact me for additional information. This extension will be launched very soon.
“Can I Make Your Mark”?
Please visit my sites at:
Brought to you by Ella Curry, president of EDC Creations
Featured Panelists and Speakers
Each night has a different theme for the book showcases and different speakers for the community panel discussions.
Panelists and Speakers for the Black History Month Book Fair
Week 1: How To Publish, Market And Promote Our Literature
Host: Ella Curry of EDC Creations
Featured authors, speakers and community leaders
Week 2: African American Pride And Traditions
Host: Ella Curry of EDC Creations
Featured authors, speakers and community leaders
Week 3: Black Love And Relationships
Host: Ella Curry of EDC Creations
Featured authors, speakers and community leaders
Week 4: Living Your Best Life
Host: Ella Curry of EDC Creations
Featured authors, speakers and community leaders
Week 5: Politics, Prose And Poetry
Host: Ella Curry of EDC Creations
Featured authors, speakers and community leaders
Week 6: Celebrating Our African American Female Leaders
Host: Ella Curry of EDC Creations
Featured authors, speakers and community leaders
Join us on the Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat rook will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Introduction to the 2009 BHM Internet Book Fair
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Introduction to the 2009 BHM Internet Book Fair
Welcome to the 2nd Annual Black History Month Internet Book Fair, hosted by EDC Creations and the Sankofa Literary Society. This book fair is brought to you completely from the Internet. There will be live readings, book previews and author interviews, seminars, community town hall meetings, panel discussions, podcast promotions, video features and nightly live interviews. With a telephone and a computer you can have a front row seat!
Each day of the 42-day cyber book fair, visit this board and leave some love or wisdom on the chat threads. Each night, for 42 nights, join us on the Black Authors Network Radio Show to hear the featured speakers and authors. The Blog Talk Radio chat room, for BAN Radio, will be open for all visitors. You can call into the show and join the conversation as well at: 646-200-0402.
There will be advertising opportunities for authors, publishers and business owners, as well as threads for readers to ask authors those questions you always want to know! Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates and the latest events in your email account of Sunday mornings.
Help us to Celebrate Black History Month with Style and Grace. Support the authors by visiting the bookstore all year long to make your purchases! Bookstore Now Open.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show at 9-10pm EST nightly. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
In the archives you will find panel discussions, sections to freely Speak Ya Mind, educational advice and tips, financial literacy guides and tons of great books!
This is a community forum for readers, authors and publishers! Jump right in and share your comments and suggestions. Tell at least 5 friends about the site and visit often so you don't miss anything!
You can subscribe to this blog in the upper right hand corner, to receive all the news and events in your email account bi-weekly! This is the best way to keep up with the book fair and all the authors that will be speaking. Once you read it in the email, join us here on the boards to share your opinions too.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Showtime: 9-10pm EST, unless stated otherwise
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 2 Yes, We Did and Historical Books
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 2, Yes, We Did and Historical Books
Did you work on the Obama campaign? What were some of the most defining moments for you? How did you feel when you saw him take office? What does this mean to you and your family?
What are some of your favorite historical books, fiction or non-fiction? Have you written a historical book or article on President Obama, share it with us. Do not send us to another page. Please share contributions here on this thread. Add your copyright information to all posts.
This is a open discussion. Anyone with positive information may share it on this board. We welcome all memories, essays, poetry or stories.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
In the archives you will find panel discussions, sections to freely Speak Ya Mind, educational advice and tips, financial literacy guides and tons of great books!
This is a community forum for readers, authors and publishers! Jump right in and share your comments and suggestions. Tell at least 5 friends about the site and visit often so you don't miss anything!
You can subscribe to this blog in the upper right hand corner, to receive all the news and events in your email account bi-weekly! This is the best way to keep up with the book fair and all the authors that will be speaking. Once you read it in the email, join us here on the boards to share your opinions too.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Showtime: 9-10pm EST, unless stated otherwise
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 3, Heritage and Culture Panel Discussion
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 3, Heritage and Culture Panel Discussion
Why is it so important that we celebrate Black History Month?
Why should our children be introduced to slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and so many other defining moments in history?
What are some entertaining ways to bring history into the lives of our children?
Introduction of Modern Day Griots:
This is a open workshop. Anyone with positive information may share it on this board. The featured panelists will share with you tips and advice from their books. Leave your questions below for the panelists. The panelist will come to the chat at 3pm-10pm EST to answer all the questions left on the boards.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Showtime: 9-10pm EST, unless stated otherwise
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 4, Essence Bestseller Showcase
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 4, Essence Bestseller Showcase- How Did You Do It?
Readers, when you see a book on the Essence Bestsellers List, what does this tell you about the book? Does this make you want to purchase the book?
Authors, if your books as ever been a Essence Bestselling Book, please list your book, website address and a little about your journey. How do you think your book made the Essence list?
What does it mean for an author to have his/her book placed on the Essence Bestsellers List? Will it really increase more sales.
This is a open workshop. Anyone with positive information may share it on this board. The featured panelists will share with you tips and advice from their books. Leave your questions below for the panelists. The panelist will come to the chat at 3pm-10pm EST to answer all the questions left on the boards.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Showtime: 9-10pm EST, unless stated otherwise
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Marketing Moment: Staging the Scene
What are some of the ways to display your books that will increase sells?
Readers, tell us the things that annoy you the most at big book festivals or at book signings.
Marketing Moment: Book Cover Design
Designers and publishers, share your thoughts and opinions.
Readers, tell us what you like the most about the latest book cover?
Marketing Moment: Define a Target Audience
Speak Ya Mind: Take Control of Your Destiny
Break it down and tell us what we can all do to shape our lives.
State of African American Literature
Please share with us some of your concerns about how our literature is being shared with the world. Are we going too far in "Keepin it Real" with the readers?
Who is responsible for the quality of literature given to the readers: the publisher or the writer?
What 3 things could we do to really increase literacy in our community?
What are 3 things that make you the most proud about our literature.
What are 3 things you wish we would stop doing in sharing our experiences.
Do you feel that we are "airing our dirty laundry" in many of the new books?
What is your take on all the new mentioning of bad preachers and ministers in books? Do you feel this will have a bearing on church goers?
Note: a lively debate is welcomed and encouraged. Speak ya mind. However, let's respect the thoughts and opinions of the other chatters. All posts made with malice will be deleted immediately! I want to know what is really on the minds of our readers and authors.
Self-publishing Success Stories
Can you share at least 4 service providers that you recommend.
This is a open workshop. Anyone with positive information may share it on this board. The featured panelists will share with you tips and advice from their books. Leave your questions below for the panelists.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Showtime: 9-10pm EST unless stated otherwise
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 8 Goal Setting, Financial Literacy and Career Choices
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 8, Healthy Living: Goal Setting, Financial Literacy and Career Choices
This is a open workshop. Anyone with positive information may share it on this board. The featured panelists will share with you tips and advice from their books. Leave your questions below for the panelists. The panelist will come to the chat at 3pm-10pm EST to answer all the questions left on the boards.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 8, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Showtime: 9-10pm EST unless stated otherwise
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 9, How to Self-publish Correctly
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 9, How to Self-publish Correctly
This is a workshop on how to effectively self-publish your books. The panelists will share with you tips and advice and how to create the important materials needed promote books. Ella Curry will post valuable resources for the self-published author.
Leave your questions below. The panelist will come to the chat at 3pm-10pm EST to answer all the questions left on the boards.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 09, 2009 at 8-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 10, Book Publicity and Promotions Workshop
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 10, Book Publicity and Promotions Workshop
This is a workshop on how to effectively gain book publicity and how to promote your book on the Internet. The panelists will share with you tips and advice and how to create the important materials needed promote books. Leave your questions below. The panelist will come to the chat at 3pm-10pm EST to answer all the questions left on the boards.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 10, 2009 at 8-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 11, Building Media Relationships
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 11, Building and Maintaining Media Relationships
This is a workshop on how to reach the media and maintain relationships with them. The panelists will share with you tips and advice on submitting to the media and how to create the important materials needed to submit to them. Leave your questions below. The panelist will come to the chat at 5pm-10pm EST to answer all the questions left on the boards.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 11, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 13, Urban Lit and Black Love Showcase
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Celebrating Black Love Day!
Will President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama change the landscape of how Black couples are viewed around the world? What has seeing their relationship done you?
What 5 things make for a strong and lasting relationship?
Here is a list of our featured Urban Lit and Black Love Books. Share with us your list.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 13, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
For the Lover in You!
What are your 5 favorite love songs?
Share with us your favorite way to celebrate with your special someone.
Share with us your favorite romantic novel. Who was the sexiest COUPLE you ever read about in a book?
Feb. 15, Book Club Shout Outs
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 15, Book Club Shout Outs
Here is a list of our featured MySpace bookclub friends. Shout out to your favorite bookclubs. Tell them how much you love them!
Bookclubs, share with us the books that you are reading now and why your group selected that particular book.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 15, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 16, Christian Fiction Showcase
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 16, Christian Fiction Showcase
Here is a list of our featured books. Share your list of 5 books.
Do you have a related book? Tell us about it and where we can buy it. Have you read a book that changed your life in this catergory, tell us about it.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 17, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 17 Non-Fiction, Biographies, Self-help Books
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 17, Non-Fiction, Biographies, Self-help Book Showcase
Here is a list of our featured books. Share your list of 5 books.
Non-fiction Books:
Do you have a related book? Tell us about it and where we can buy it. Have you read a book that changed your life in this catergory, tell us about it.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 17, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 18, Healthy Living: Fitness, Diet, and Health
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 18, Healthy Living: Fitness, Diet, and Health Books Showcase
Here is a list of our featured Living WELL Books
Health,Diet and Fitness Books:
Cookbooks and Self-help Guides:
Do you have a health related book? Tell us about it and where we can buy it. Have you read a book that changed your life, tell us about it.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured speakers/authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 18, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Speak Ya Mind: Creating your own Legacy
Leaving a Legacy
Many people are concerned about leaving a legacy: evidence that their life mattered and that they made a difference in the world and in the lives of those they love.
I found this cancer related resource with a very detailed guide to leaving a legacy. I want to share it with you today. Source found here.
Creating your own legacy
A legacy reflects who you are as a person and what your life was about. Take time to reflect on the events in your life: the things you have accomplished, the people you have loved, and the memories that you cherish. Creating a legacy that reflects your life is a valuable gift to your family and friends, and can help ease your own sorrow about leaving them behind.
Some ideas for creating a legacy include:
- Making a videotape diary
- Writing letters to your loved ones
- Recording a cassette tape of your memories and thoughts
- Making a photo album or scrapbook with pictures of you and your loved ones together, as well as mementos from special places you have been
- Creating a piece of artwork, such as a poem, a painting, or a quilt that reflects you and your life
- Donating your time and/or money to a charity or cause that has been important to you
The beliefs, values, and insights you have gained through your life experiences
Stories and memories of important experiences and events, including those you shared with family and friends
The hopes and dreams you have for your loved ones in the future
Prayers and wishes for your family and friends
A record of what you are thinking and feeling as you approach the end of your life
Memories are also an important legacy. Every person leaves a legacy as they live on in the memories of loved ones. Talk with your loved ones about the times you have spent together and the experiences you have shared. You will be honoring memories, as well as creating new ones for your loved ones to cherish.
Arrange a family gathering to commemorate a special occasion, even if it means "making up" a reason to celebrate. You family and friends will cherish photographs and memories of these events long after you are gone. Consider taking a special trip with your family or fulfilling a lifelong dream. Visit the main website and read this entire dedication to creating a legacy. The site is full of valuable information.
After you finish reading the site, please join us and tell us what you legacy will become.
Feb. 19, Teen Lit and Children Authors
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 19, Teen Lit and Children Authors Showcase
List your favorite teen literature, children book series and the authors.
How much sexual advice or information should be disclosed in a teen lit book? What are some of the ways to address the tough topics the teens face without going too far? Such as drugs abuse, dating, fidelity or domestic violence.
Recently, I gave my teenager a book that was sold as a teen lit book. She brought the book back and told me to look at it. I was blown away when the scene I read was of a girl and boy about to have sex; she is stating how big his penis is and how her girlfriends lied! In my opinion this was wayyyyyyyyyy too far!
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured teen lit writers on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 19, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Speak Ya Mind: Abstinence
One of my friends is a 44 year old virgin! I know that is hard to believe, but she is waiting on marriage. Do you think this is going a little far? Is her time running out, to share in the bliss of sex? What are your thoughts?
Can you have other forms of sexual enjoyment and still practice Abstinence? Ex. using sex toys or stopping just short of intercourse. One of my associates is practicing Abstinence, but she states using sex toys doesn't violate this. What are your thoughts?
Speak Ya Mind: Same-Sex Parenting
Were you raised by same-sex parents? Share with us the wonderful childhood experiences.
Speak Ya Mind: Can Cheating Help Relationships
Can Cheating ever help a relationship? What if your spouse became totally unable to have sex, is it wrong to seek another?
What are 3 myths about cheaters, that you would like to clarify!
Cheaters, stand your ground and tell us why you have reached out to another.
Speak Ya Mind: Spanking Kids
Should we ever spank our children? Why or Why Not? What does spanking accomplish?
Feb. 20, Alternate Sexual Lifestyles
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 20, Alternate Sexual Lifestyles, Gay and Lesbian Books
Authors, tell us why readers should check out a gay or lesbian themed book. What sterotypes do you try to eliminate with your books?
What are some of the other LEGAL sexual lifestyles, relating to consenting adults, that you have seen in books? Do not post anything dealing with porn or minors on this thread!
List the gay or lesbian books that you would like to see with a sequel and the author's name. What gay or lesbian books are you most looking forward to in 2009?
Authors post your new releases and a very brief introduction to the book. Remember people will read shorter posts alot quicker than a long one! I will ban anyone that posts negative comments on this board.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured guest on the BAN Radio Show every night of this book fair at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Most Anticipated Books of 2009
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Most Anticipated Books of 2009
List the books that you would like to see with a sequel and the author. What books are you looking forward to in 2009?
Authors, post your new releases and a very brief introduction to the book. Remember people will read shorter posts alot quicker than a long one!
Publishers, give us a run down of your new releases for 2009.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured guest on the BAN Radio Show every night of this book fair at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 22, New Releases 2009, Best Blog and Social Networks
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 22, New Releases 2009, Best Blog and Social Network Builders
List your favorite blogs, social networks and favorite ezines.
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured bloggers and network builders on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 22, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Top 5 List Makers
1. Horror, Fantasy or Science fiction books
2. Children or Young Adult books
3. Life Improvement books
4. Sports or Health books
5. Erotica or Romance books
Do you have book reviews for this genre? Share them with us!
Feb. 23, Christian and Motivational Showcase
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
Feb. 23, Christian and Motivational Showcase
What would you like to see in Christian books? What do you hate to see in Christian books? What defines a Christian fiction title?
Do not hate on another person's book, just state your opinions and don't try to make your truth, our truth!
We will host a live meet and greet with the featured authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 23, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
Feb. 24, All Male Authors Spotlight
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
All Male Fiction Author Spotlight
Tell us about your favorite books written by male authors. Give us 3 of your favorite male authors and the books they have written. Have book reviews, share them with us!
Remember, people will normally read a short post, that gives the details. Keep it clean, but interesting!
We will host a live meet and greet Feb. 24, 2009 with today's hottest Male Fictiion Authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 24, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on this topic. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room:
What I Love About Black Men
BHM Book Fair Daily Topic
A Tribute to African American Men
Please share with us the things that you love about our Black Men!
We will host a live meet and greet Feb. 24, 2009 with All Male Fiction Authors on the BAN Radio Show Feb. 24, 2009 at 9-10pm EST. Join us in the chat room for more information on the featured authors. You will be able to hear the show live and every 10th chatter wins free books.
Nightly BHM Events Take Place on BAN Radio
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Meet us Every Night of the Event at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646)200-0402
Chat live with the guests in our chat room during the show. Registered BlogTalk Radio users are eligible to win FREE books! The chat room will be open EVERY night of the event. Promote your book or business for free in the chat room.
Chat room: