Give the Gift of Knowledge
Speak up! Speak Out! Session 1
--Welcome to the 2009 Black History Literary Affair
--Why We Should Celebrate Black History 365
--Black History Trivia Questions
Watch our featured videos and share your opinions. Speak Up! Speak Out!
Community Chat: What Happens When God Moves

is a true inspirational about the life of a young woman who experiences many trials and tribulations over a decade of her life which include incest which results in pregnancy, death of child, brief incarceration, witnessing a shooting, almost becoming homeless, and losing her job.
All these circumstances develop this young entrepreneur into very successful business-woman, motivational speaker, consultant, singer, actor and now author. This true story should inspire others to never give up and keep the faith and to walk in the direction that the Lord is leading you in at all times. The book will also minister to couples who are or have experienced rocky times in their marriage. The struggle comes before success!
YouTube interview from Channel 3 in Memphis
Books can be purchased from,, Authorhouse,
Barnes & Noble, Borders,
Lessons learned from the book,What Happens When God Moves
(ISBN: 9781420830125)

2. Keeping the faith was difficult but it all paid off
3. Being married is hardwork and takes a great deal of strength
4. It is possible to be a successful wife, mother, author, teacher,singer, actor, etc
5. When we don't see God Moving, doesn't mean He's not there
Community Discussion Questions
1. Did you ever feel like God left you?
2. How did you overcome the death of your child?
3. What inspired you to continue while going through all the trials and tribulations?
4. What was your relationship like with Christ and people when you changed?
5. What advice would you give someone who has been through so much trauma?
Sharen Rooks
Public Relations & Community Activist Firm
800*743*5659(O)Ext 1
Sharen will stop by and leave more inspiration and advice on bettering your life. Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

"Spirit/Obama has Done It" in honor of President Obama
"Spirit/Obama has Done It" in honor of President Barack Obama @ The Zanzibar Inauguration Celebration. This concert video footage is produced by and courtesy of Shabaka and Juju Films.
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

Highly-Effective Strategies for Book Marketing

Highly-Effective Strategies for Book Marketing & Promotion
Have you always wanted to write that best-selling book, but don't know where to start or all the revenue opportunities available to you? Do you have an existing book, but are experiencing only lackluster sales? Have you struggled to get your book carried in stores and with online sales? Learn from international best-selling author William R. Patterson the step-by-step process marketing a book quickly and on a limited budget. Don't wait for fame to find you. Create you own success!
The seminar answers the following questions of William:
1) How to get others to promote your book to tens-of-thousands of people for free?
2) How to get radio, television and print coverage for your book?
3) Position your title to become a book club selection and best-seller?
4) Set-up live and virtual book tours to increase your profits?
5) Significantly increase traffic from qualified buyers to your website?
6) Generate income faster by pre-selling your book before it is released?
7) How can our listeners find out more about you and THE BARON SOLUTION Book Marketing Coaching Programs?
Listen to the audio version of the seminar and leave your questions below for William R. Patterson

WILLIAM R. PATTERSON is an internationally recognized business and wealth coach who has written over 250 articles and has been a featured guest on over 400 television and radio programs. He is a business and financial expert for CBS and XM Satellite Radio. He delivers solutions to thousands worldwide — from individual investors and small business owners to corporate boards and CEOs. William’s ethical guidebook to wealth, power, and success, The Baron Son, has been translated around the world and featured in the Forbes Book Club and Black Enterprise magazine. William runs over 30 websites and has created more than 150 products. He is winner of over ten Web awards for excellence including Best Author, Best Speaker, Best Business Advice Site and Best Wealth-Building Site.
William R. Patterson
Award-Winning Speaker, Business and Wealth Coach
National Best-selling Co-author of The Baron Son
Direct: (202) 270-9448
Toll-Free: (888) 90-BARON
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

Black History Month: Be A History Maker

There are those who watch what happens, those who make things happen and those who don’t have clue to what happened!
By: Pam Perry
African Americans once had a lot civil rights giants among us: Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King. They were people who “made things happen.” We miss these heroes.
But we must make and celebrate new ones. How? We must do more than just teach our children about history, but teach them how to be history makers and world changers! We must motivate the next generation to make an impact on the lives of others.
When we inspire youth to dream, to visualize a better world, to be action oriented and to help others – we will all have success. This generation must impart strong values into the next.
It’s good to highlight the achievements and applaud the milestones in Black history month – but it’s time we get serious about training up leaders for the next generation and look at what our legacy will be to them.
Have we done our part? Are we just watching what happens, complaining about what’s happening, or making plans to make some things happen! Make it your mission to be a history maker, world changer and inspire others to do the same.
Bottom Line: “Remember that our cause is one, and that we must help each other, if we would succeed” Frederick Douglas. The millennium version: Teamwork makes the dream work!

She can be reached at
or at 248.426-2300.
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

I AM Powerful Because...

I am powerful because God is my Center. When situations on my right and left demand my energy and time; I can rest in the center of His will.
I am powerful because God created me with a purpose in mind; it does not matter what hurt I have experienced, in time I will heal.
I am powerful because all the chaos that was supposed to destroy my life; instead has actually made me who I am today.
I am powerful because I do not have to wonder if God loves me, I know that He is with me and He walks with me each day.
I am powerful because in my darkest moments when I wanted to give up, there were so many things that I did not understand.
I am powerful because I looked for Him and He was there shinning light in my darkness and reaching out His hand.
I am powerful, not because I possess the finest gifts but because I have not lost myself, I love who God has created me to be.
I am powerful because I understand that great wealth does not come from money alone but great wealth is on the inside of me.
I am powerful because I will not allow another individual’s perceptions or opinions define who I am or all that I can do.
I am powerful because I see myself through my Father’s eyes, He doesn’t make mistakes; only treasures that He wants to use.
Most importantly, I am powerful because of the great and mighty works that He does.
He is the only reason that I can say I am Powerful, He is my Because...
Copyright 2009 Theresa Lewis
Meet author and poet Theresa Lewis
I am the loving wife of George Lewis Sr. and the mother of three wonderful children: Tyresha, Zephanasia, and George Lewis Jr. I was born and raised in Oklahoma City; I currently reside in Louisiana and I am a member of Rivers of Living Waters Church. I was inspired to write Turn Your Tears Into Joy "Through Poetry & Inspirations of Life Lessons" based on the many lessons I had learned throughout life. I thank God for the opportunity to share this book with everyone and I know that all who reads will be blessed.
"Whatever life may bring, I will lift my head and sing".
Whether it's a song of joy or a song of sorrow;
I will continue singing because I know who holds tomorrow.
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

by: David W. Johnson, Jr.
Fr: The Citizens of Baltimore City
Too many citizens treat Police as though they were the enemy
However, when we are in trouble, Police are the first to be called
Let me assure you, crime, not the police are citizens’ archenemy
We support “Stop Snitching” until away our children are hauled
True, like citizens, not every police officer is clean and straight
That would be like believing all parents and grandparents are
Good families, like good police, we should try to help, not berate
In the society we created, police are our best protection by far
We call the police if our Sister is murdered or Mother is robbed
“Gang-bangers” do the same to strangers, we keep it to ourselves
With little or no community support, how can police do their jobs?
Better, start caring about more than our personal families’ lives
Men and Women in uniforms could have chosen another lifestyle
Instead, they choose to put their lives on the line daily to protect us
See them out doing their jobs and we will not offer them even a smile
Tell me, who is it, drug dealers and gangs or the police we cannot trust
Too often, we hear about someone’s daughter raped at a bus stop
Someone’s mother leaving the market and being robbed at gunpoint
If there were no police, we would starve because we could not shop
Without police, rapist and pedophiles would never make it to the “joint”
If citizens cared about police the way, police care about them, WOW!!
Better, stop shooting or killing and start “Supporting Our Local Police”
How can we have safer communities; we can start by helping Police is how
We do not help, crime will increase, lend a hand, and crime will decrease
Police, Firefighters, Ambulance drivers all should have our utmost support
Motorist will not even pull over knowing ambulances are trying to save lives
Our failures to pull over could be turning a hospital stay into a death report
We care less about public servants and more about carrying guns and knives
This poem will hopefully encourage real community appreciation for our Police
With our local police officer as oppose to hoodlums, everyday we best consort
Fortunately, with home security and our local police we can rest in some peace
If we do not want to be prisoners in our homes, “Police Could Use Our Support”
Thanks Officer Dante Arthur For Helping Make Baltimore City Safer
Message from the author:
After visiting Officer Dante Arthur at Shock Trauma on Sunday and meeting with his family, I was inspired to write the attached poem. To all Marylanders I strongly suggest we start taking a more positive and aggressive stance where our children are concerned. We cannot continue to let our children run wild. Our children are controlling us, instead of the other way around.
The "Police Could Use Our Support" poem I gave to his wife to present to him when he wakes up. The "Greatest Wife" poem I gave to his wife, from him.
We must help politicians, teachers, police and community leaders in an effort to give our children a future. I am trying desperately everyday and I could use your assistance. Saving our children is not about money but about their and our future.
David W. Johnson, Jr.
Founder & PresidentIf We Save Our Children We Save America
(410) 265-0028 (Home/Office)
(410) 646-5187 ext. 14 (Day/Office)
(410) 984-3086 (C)
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

Community Chat: Success Is…

Community Discussion, share your thoughts and opinions after reading this inspirational article. Tell us about your blessings.
Do you dream of being successful? Perhaps you consider yourself as already being successful. Better still, what IS your idea of success?
So what is success really all about? It’s about knowing the God that has nothing but good waiting on you and for you. It’s about knowing that whether you have loads of material stuff or whether you are in a state of earthly poverty, that you are successful if the Father himself is your Daddy. You are His heir, adopted into His kingdom and no matter what you have or don’t have really is not the issue because you have it ALL if you have Him! Therefore, walk mighty and bold in spirit this week as you take your rightful place next to your Daddy! He’s loaded!!!! “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4: 11-13 (English-NIV)
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 (English-NIV)
Shelia E. Lipsey is an award winning Christian fiction author of five books, a copyeditor, literary expert and inspirational speaker. She resides in Memphis, Tennessee with her son and two Siamese cats. Shelia is also the founder and Executive Director of Living Your Dreams Now Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps others learn how to identify, capture and live their dreams now!,
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

Preaching Woman Empowerment Conference

What's To Expect at the 2009 Preaching Woman Empowerment Conference:
Morning Prayer of Purpose and Power:
Start your morning afresh with the 7am "Prayer of Purpose and Power." Experience the glory of God as you and hundreds of other women seek to touch Heaven and bask in God's matchless glory. You will come away energized with purpose and with power to fulfill the magnificent plans of God for your life. This is an intercessory prayer session you don't want to miss!
Interactive Power Packed Workshops:
During our interactive conference workshops, you will have any opportunity to be inspired toward perfection as you experience and learn from some of the most experienced spectacular facilitators in the gospel ministry arena. These workshops will be sure to provide you with practical preparation, information and demonstrations that you will be able to implement in your ministry and personal life immediately! Take a look at the workshops that will be offered below:
Developing Creative Sermons and Deliveries
Ministry Etiquette for Women
Effective Evangelism
Managing Your Emotions In Ministry
Marketing the Woman Behind the Ministry
I've Got to Find Balance!
Faith and Finances
Why Does It Hurt So Bad?
Intercession: Getting in touch with Heaven!
Exciting Panel Discussion and Question and Answer Sessions
What do your male counter parts expect when you come to speak? What should you expect from them? This will be an exciting and very informative discussion where you will get an opportunity to ask the questions that you've always wondered about. Come prepared to get the insight that you need to be successful and effective in ministry. This will be a session you definitely don't want to miss!

Welcome to the 2009 Black History Literary Affair
Visit our Meet and Greet Center to tell us about you, your book or business. We want to know our new community members.
Each week of the event, 2 people will be selected from the Meet and Greet Center to win free books and prizes donated by the authors featured for the week. Make sure to stop by and say hi!
Our first community discussion is on Why Black History is Important. Please visit the post below and watch the video, leave your response below the video. Through out this site you will find lots of places to share your thoughts and opinions. For each daily discussion topic you are invited to post your own articles that relate to the theme. We ask that you keep your posts to 300 words or less for posting articles. People are more apt to read shorter posts and retain your message. Also, leave your email address and website address with each article posted.
Tune into the Black Authors Network Radio Show for the next 42 days for our nightly panel discussions. You may view the list of themes here. We invite you to join us in the chat room to discuss the show with others. Our partners have donated over 25o books! Chatters will win books for particpating. Each night 2-3 people will win books!
Events for this week on BAN Radio and Blogspot:
Seminar: How to Become a Top Selling Author or Poet
Dates: Jan. 26-31, 2009; FREE; Open to the Public
Time: 9-10pm EST (Maryland) on BAN Radio
Show Location: BAN Radio during Nightly Sessions
Guest Speakers announced here daily (on the blog)
Live Chat at:
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 William R. Patterson Host
Strategies for Book Marketing & Promotion
Highly-Effective Strategies for Book Marketing & Promotion
Time: 9-10pm EST on BAN Radio
Show Location: BAN Radio Show
Have you always wanted to write that best-selling book, but don't know where to start or all the revenue opportunities available to you? Do you have an existing book, but are experiencing only lackluster sales? Have you struggled to get your book carried in stores and with online sales? Learn from international best-selling author William R. Patterson the step-by-step process marketing a book quickly and on a limited budget. Don't wait for fame to find you. Create you own success! Meet William on BAN Radio for this on air workshop.
Sweet Soul Sisters Literary Event
Ella Curry interviewing authors live at the Sweet Soul Sisters Literary Event, Jan. 30-31. Footage will be posted here.
Jan. 25-Feb. 16 Join Daily Chats to win prizes
Read the featured articles and share your thoughts
Check out the featured authors and poets
Learn, Network and Inspire at BAN workshops
Popular bloggers win free books each week, by actively participating in the daily conversations. Tell your friends to stop by and visit too...Give the Gift of Knowlege!
Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you! EDC Creations Book Promotions.

If you have any questions please contact Ella Curry at this email address:
Why We Should Celebrate Black History 365
Why Should we celebrate Black History 365 days a year? Why should we insist our children embrace history? We welcome all visitors! Share is this discussion and give the Gift of Knowledge.
The ladies speaking are educators from GA who were visiting the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art with me. The book marks that they are holding were gifts from Debra Owsley of Simply Said.
Watch more live videos from the 2009 Inauguration Parade, by clicking here.
Visit our website to for more information on the Black Authors Network Radio Show and to find out how you can become a guest:
Join the Conversation, leave comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!EDC Creations Book Promotions
FREE Marketing Workshops on BAN Radio Show

Join Ella Curry owner of EDC Creations Media Group as she offers 7 days of Marketing and Promotions Advice. Ella will be joined by bestselling authors, business owners and newly published authors to give emerging writers a shot at becoming a top selling, published author. This event is free and open to the public.
Ella will host the Marketing Workshops on BAN Radio Show at night, 9-10pm EST, nightly and will post information on the BAN blog daily to help encourage people to live their dreams. Visit the BHM Book Fair Workshop Center for more workshops and publishing information.
Topics: How to Become a Top Selling Author or Poet
Dates: Jan. 26-31, 2009; FREE; Open to the Public
Time: 9-10pm EST (Maryland/DC) on BAN Radio Show
Location: BAN Radio at Night; BAN Blogging all Day
Guest Speakers announced here daily (on the blog)
Subjects Covered during the Online Workshops
-- What being a Writer really means
-- The 20 most damaging mistakes authors make
-- How to use Web 2.0 to promote books
-- How to organize book tours
-- Creating valuable relationships
-- Working with bookstores and booksellers
-- Tools for Internet Marketing
-- Creating your publicity timeline
-- How EDC Creations can increase your territory
-- Guest speakers will discuss the Business and Distribution of Books
Host for the events:
Ella Curry, President/CEO EDC Creations
Black Author Network Radio-Founder
Sankofa Literary Society-Founder
Black Pearls Magazine Publisher
Black Authors Network Radio Show
Showtime at: 9pm-10pm EST
Call-in number: (646) 200-0402
Live Chat at:
Tune in at 9:00 P.M.EST, 8:00 P.M.CST & 6:00 P.M.PST
Chatters will win free books for actively participating in the discussion
Black Authors Network Community Blog
Visit the Black History Workshops and Networking Center; Open Daily 24/7
Become a Guest on BAN Talk Show
Give the Gift of Knowledge, share this email with at least 20 readers, business owners, authors or poets. Pay it forward! Twitter about us, blog about us, and most of all join us for this 42 day literary party! Our goal is to entertain and educate anyone who wants to become a published author. Think about what an impact we would create if we all shared this with our entire network! We have to share our history, experiences, voice and passions with others, please do your part in spreading the word....
Thank you,
Ella Curry
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

Workshop: Setting the Scene for Book Promotions
Date: Jan. 25-Mar. 15, 2009
Host: Debra Owsley of Simply Said Reading Accessories
Debra will be available for live question and answer sessions, each night 10-11pmEST.
Summary: How authors and poets can create cost effective and eye catching promotions, while on a tight starving artist budget.
5 Resolutions
Creating Simple Ambiance
Tips And Tricks On A Budget
Low Cost Giveaways
Building Your Mailing List
Social Networking
What is going to make you stand out at a book festival or book event, when everybody is also selling books too? Creating a table display… Sounds simple right, throw a few books on a table and sit there and you’ll sell out in an hour right? Sorry, this thought process is wrong...
In addition to creating reading accessories for authors, I also create themes and display ideas for them. Creating an eye catching display and layout will do half the work, of trying to get people to your table or booth. When I do book events, I try to have a theme, or find out what the event theme is so everything pulls together.
The object of the game is to draw people in, made you look! If you are a romance author, bring some romance with you and create some ambiance!
Have a suitcase filled with props and tools to make your signing, table or booth extraordinary. Create layout and a theme and all the props you need to create an intimate setting. Is your book romance or erotica? Create a scene from you book. Add rose petals and wineglasses etc.
Create an audio or a podcast recording of you reading the scene your showing. If it’s a part with a male, get a guy with a deep sexy voice to read the scene with you. Add a sound track of music that also helps tell the story. They will hear and feel the passion in your voice and the in the music. The music will set the tone and era of your book.
Add a commercial to your soundtracks, inviting them to your sites and social networks. Have a DVD player, or laptop playing your trailer, soundtrack, and commercial. Take extra batteries, buying electricity is expensive at festivals. This very same recording if done well can be used on your web, as radio commercials, and on your social sites. Do one with only audio and one with audio and trailer. It also makes a wonderful, inexpensive gift with purchase item.
Investing in a banner and a table cloth with you name on it, is a wise investment. Using your name or company will carry your BRAND through your writing career. Use bright colors, it draws the eyes to you and attracts people. Keep in mind you color choices because they will be used over and over. Also if you have several books keep your name and brand as the banner and tablecloth focus not current book. Have posters created for your books.
Once you get their attention make your pitch, #1 SMILE! Greet people. Put the book in their hands!I have seen many authors do this and they sell more than those who just point to them or hold it themselves Keep your sales pitch to 2 to 3 minutes at best, because that’s most peoples attention span, especially if you are at a book festival . Bookmark a scene you know will capture their attention.
Don’t sit or stand behind the table, get out there and mingle. If you are shy, the props and setups will draw people to you. They also can start conversions, about your book. Get a street team Bring a street team to be your cheerleaders, they will help pass out fliers and manage the crowds. Don’t talk to them all day… talk to your guests.
Show enthusiasm; I want you to be as happy to see me as I am to see you and my $$$. Atmosphere and attitude is everything. Wear a TEE-SHIRT with your book title, name and site information.
Share with another author team up Erotica, passion party, a cook book, lingerie or a companion product. Share the crowd and the costs. Caution children will be around do not be explicit, you can also offend people, be classy.
Take those extra book covers you have and turn them into booklets with excerpts and contact info and an order sheet.
Have them sign a guest book. This builds your mailing list. Send a Thank You Note, after the event for coming, and what’s coming up from you; add a ½ mark and a book plate. Make notes next to their name so you remember them. EX.. Book club, reader, etc. Run a monthly contest, this is another way of collecting information, and staying in contact after the event.
Giveaways are also a great way to encourage readers to stay in contact. Visit other booths and book signings to see what they do take notes, listen to what the fans are saying
Just perfecting these tips will save you time and money, I have what I call a go box that is ready to go when I am with all the display materials need to set up wherever I am. When you get home re-stock so you’re ready to go at the drop of a hat. Remember to be able to display vertically and horizontally.
Trust me, I started my business to support my book habit, I am first and foremost a bookaholic, and as a fan I know what WE like.
Simply Said Reading Accessories
Email address:
About Debra Owsley
Debra Owsley turned her love for reading and her hobby to support her book habit, into a reading accessory and consulting business. Debra works with several major authors, and book stores creating unique gift-marks, book thongs and creative displays promoting literary.
She loves working at book events and book festivals, meeting authors, readers and Book clubs
Debra loves to travel to book festivals all over the country, read, dance, and discussing books with friends and great food. She is also the Literary Director for EDC-Creations.
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!EDC Creations Book Promotions
Black History Trivia Questions
Win additional books, if you post his story to the blog too! Get ready set go...
Join the Conversation, leave questions or comments below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

Welcome to the 2nd Annual Black History Book and Art Fair
Visit our Meet and Greet Center to tell us about you, your book or business. We want to know our new community members.
Each week of the event, 2 people will be selected from the Meet and Greet Center to win free books and prizes donated by the authors featured for the week. Make sure to stop by and say hi!
The first prizes to be given away Jan. 25-Feb.7, 2009 are:
If you have any questions please contact Ella Curry at this email address:
Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you! EDC Creations Book Promotions.

Best Blogger Prize: Week 1 Feb.8-14
Each week 2 people are selected from the EDC Creations newsletter subscription database to win free books. Tell your friends, join in the conversation and Give the Gift of Knowledge to your entire network. Staff of EDC Creations or the Black Authors Network are not eligible for prizes given away for Best Blogger. Only one prize per person, per week.
How to enter the Best Blogger Contest
1. Each Monday starts a new count with new books
2. We only count posts with 40 words or more
3. Leave your email address with each post
4. Subscribe to our blog at the top of the page so that you see all the new posts
5. Ella will email all winners to the address left on the posts
6. If we have 2 winners for the week, both will be given books from the melting pot
Ella Curry's email address:
Join the contest, leave email addresses below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!
EDC Creations Book Promotions.

Best Blogger Prize: Week 2 Feb. 1-7, 2009
Each week 2 people are selected from the EDC Creations newsletter subscription database to win free books. Tell your friends, join in the conversation and Give the Gift of Knowledge to your entire network. Staff of EDC Creations or the Black Authors Network are not eligible for prizes given away for Best Blogger. Only one prize per person, per week.
How to enter the Best Blogger Contest
1. Each Monday starts a new count with new books
2. We only count posts with 40 words or more
3. Leave your email address with each post
4. Subscribe to our blog at the top of the page so that you see all the new posts
5. Ella will email all winners to the address left on the posts
6. If we have 2 winners for the week, both will be given books from the melting pot
Ella Curry's email address:
Join the contest, leave email addresses below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!
EDC Creations Book Promotions.

Best Blogger Prize: Week 3 Feb. 15-21, 2009
Each week 2 people are selected from the EDC Creations newsletter subscription database to win free books. Tell your friends, join in the conversation and Give the Gift of Knowledge to your entire network. Staff of EDC Creations or the Black Authors Network are not eligible for prizes given away for Best Blogger. Only one prize per person, per week.
How to enter the Best Blogger Contest
1. Each Monday starts a new count with new books
2. We only count posts with 40 words or more
3. Leave your email address with each post
4. Subscribe to our blog at the top of the page so that you see all the new posts
5. Ella will email all winners to the address left on the posts
6. If we have 2 winners for the week, both will be given books from the melting pot
Ella Curry's email address:
Join the contest, leave email addresses below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!
EDC Creations Book Promotions.

Best Blogger Prize: Week 4 Feb. 22-28, 2009
Each week 2 people are selected from the EDC Creations newsletter subscription database to win free books. Tell your friends, join in the conversation and Give the Gift of Knowledge to your entire network. Staff of EDC Creations or the Black Authors Network are not eligible for prizes given away for Best Blogger. Only one prize per person, per week.
How to enter the Best Blogger Contest
1. Each Monday starts a new count with new books
2. We only count posts with 40 words or more
3. Leave your email address with each post
4. Subscribe to our blog at the top of the page so that you see all the new posts
5. Ella will email all winners to the address left on the posts
6. If we have 2 winners for the week, both will be given books from the melting pot
Ella Curry's email address:
Join the contest, leave email addresses below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!
EDC Creations Book Promotions
Best Blogger Prize: Week 5 March 1-7, 2009
Each week 2 people are selected from the EDC Creations newsletter subscription database to win free books. Tell your friends, join in the conversation and Give the Gift of Knowledge to your entire network. Staff of EDC Creations or the Black Authors Network are not eligible for prizes given away for Best Blogger.
How to enter the Best Blogger Contest
1. Each Monday starts a new count with new books
2. We only count posts with 40 words or more
3. Leave your email address with each post
4. Subscribe to our blog at the top of the page so that you see all the new posts
5. Ella will email all winners to the address left on the posts
6. If we have 2 winners for the week, both will be given books from the melting pot
Ella Curry's email address:
Join the contest, leave email addresses below. Each day active bloggers are selected to win free books and prizes, so leave your email address with each post. Thank you!

Best Blogger Prize: Week 6 March 8-14, 2009
Each week 2 people are selected from the EDC Creations newsletter subscription database to win free books. Tell your friends, join in the conversation and Give the Gift of Knowledge to your entire network. Staff of EDC Creations or the Black Authors Network are not eligible for prizes given away for Best Blogger. Only one prize per person, per week.
How to enter the Best Blogger Contest
1. Each Monday starts a new count with new books
2. We only count posts with 40 words or more
3. Leave your email address with each post
4. Subscribe to our blog at the top of the page so that you see all the new posts
5. Ella will email all winners to the address left on the posts
6. If we have 2 winners for the week, both will be given books from the melting pot
Ella Curry's email address:
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Intimate Conversation with author Chaz Kyser

Chaz Kyser is a journalism instructor/newspaper advisor at Langston University. She is also the author of Embracing the Real World: The Black Woman’s Guide to Life After College. This career guide was created for Black women making the transition from college to the professional workforce, and has been nationally praised, most recently by Tyra Banks.
Ms. Kyser is also a freelance editor and writer. Her career columns and advice have been published in numerous publications and websites, including Essence, The Miami Times, and
Ella: Tell us about your passion for writing.

I am Powerful because...I realize the potential I have and am not afraid to go after what I truly desire.
Ella: Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
I was born in San Diego, Calif., but raised in Fort Worth, Texas. I have been writing since high school and became interested in books when I was 21. I understood at an early age how powerful the written word was, and I have always desired to make the world a better place, in some small way, by writing articles and books that inspire and encourage others.
Ella: What makes your book stand out and would entice a reader pick it up?
One of the problems with the average career guide is that it doesn't discuss sensitive topics or issues pertinent to people of color. My book gives informative, inspirational and candid advice on how to handle racial and sex discrimination in the workplace, build a positive image, and free oneself from self-doubt and the fear of failure. Most career guides just stick to the basics of how to find and keep a job. Black women-all college graduates actually-need to be armed with more information than that.
Ella: What is the most surprising thing you have learned in creating books?
That people have a real respect and admiration for authors-whether they are self-published or not. Many people look at creating a book as a significant achievement.
Ella: What would you say has been your most significant achievement as a writer? How did you do it?
Many opportunities have been presented to me since publishing the book, including the chance to present workshops on career-related topics. I never once thought about being a speaker when I was writing the book, now I love speaking as much as I love writing. So, discovering that I have a knack for public speaking is actually one of my most significant achievements as writer.
In the summer, I am going to launch a company called BookBound Editorial and Self-Publishing Services to help other writers produce quality books. The company will offer editing, layout and design, and web design services. However, those who are in need of these services now can still contact me.
Contact info:
Chaz Kyser, Author of "Embracing the Real World: The Black Woman's Guide to Life After College." Website:
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Intimate Conversation with M. C. Pearson (Mimi)

Ella: Mimi, introduce us to your book.
Be Careful What You Wish For (A F.A.I.R.I.E.S. Realm Novel) by M. C. Pearson:
Unwittingly chosen to join an army of fairies, who fight for the Light of the One, a teenaged girl learns about spiritual warfare as she attends a military academy with fantastical beings.
While being a fantasy with war and fantastical creatures, it is also humorous and playful. The word F.A.I.R.I.E.S. stands for Fantastical, Aerial, International, Reasonably Inconspicuous, Emancipation Squads. It deals with cultural differences, learning to love, and spiritual warfare. Although it is Christian, it isn't a 'thump you over the head with a Bible' type of book.
Ella: Finish this sentence- I am Powerful because...
Ella: Where are you from? How did you start your writing journey?
Originally, I'm from California, but I have lived in North Carolina for the past 8 1/2 years.
I started writing as a stress relief when I worked at a children's home for at-risk youth. I wanted to write something that would tell a fun fantastical story while still keeping the Christian walk as the foundation. I've had many of my friends say that they don't let their teens read fantasy because of the magic. Yet in the children's home I worked at, that was what they all wanted to read. This spurred me to keep writing.

Ella: Who are your two main characters and what do you like most about them?
Mellie Good Wind: The book is written from Mellie's point of view. She's a Human—I capitalize human because that is like her race in the F.A.I.R.I.E.S. world—who turns 13 during the novel. Her real name is MaryEllen Goodwin, but they call her Mellie Good Wind in the F.A.I.R.I.E.S. realm. What I like the most about Mellie is that she has a good sense of humor. Even though she isn't all that likable at first, she makes me laugh.
Lizzy: Lizzy, a green flower nymph or Limoniade, is Mellie's roommate. Her actual name is Leucanthemum Superbum. Now, if you were really into gardening, you'd know that her name is the name of an Elizabethan Daisy. What I like most about Lizzy is her strength and power while being humble and honest. She is also totally clueless about Humans even though she says that she studies them. Without trying, she says the most laughable things to Mellie. It is especially funny when she doesn't understand Mellie's Human clichés.
A Christian book about fairies with all sorts of mythological creatures…a 12 years old girl joining an army of militant creatures…dragons…witches…pixies…yeti.
It is a fun read. The beings that Mellie meet become your friends as well. You will laugh, snort, sigh, and even shed a tear or two…but mostly laugh.
Entertainment. I want people to just enjoy reading it. Other than that, I have a few themes that run though the story:
It doesn't matter what you look like, your color or the type of being you are (Human, Nymph, Yeti…), what matters is your love for yourself and others.
We need to stop fighting each other and unite against evil.
We are all in a spiritual warfare battle whether we want to be or not.
Ella: What can we expect from you in the future?
Be Careful What You Wish For (A F.A.I.R.I.E.S. Realm Novel) will be published in August 2009. I'm working on three other books at the moment.
Oh, Pixiedust! ( A F.A.I.R.I.E.S. Realm Novel) takes off where Be Careful What You Wish For ends. Mellie gets changed into a Pixie and encounters a lot of prejudice because of it.
B-L-A-N-K (A F.A.I.R.I.E.S. Realm Novel) has a brand new protagonist. A deaf boy, whose parents just died, goes to live with his aunt at her tribe in Alaska. He befriends a mind-blank dragon. (Dragons speak through their minds…the dragon is essentially deaf also.)
Cheat Codes for Life will be a story about a tom-boy gamer girl who gets involved with demons via the Internet. They grant wishes, but exact a price.
My husband and I are creating our own independent press called FIRST Wild Card Press in April. We will start by publishing my own books. After we learn all the ins and outs, we will take submissions from authors. Be watching for Be Careful What You Wish For (A F.A.I.R.I.E.S. Realm Novel) in August!
The blog alliance, FIRST Wild Card Tours, will still tour all genres, all age groups, fiction and non-fiction for free. We welcome new members (reviewers), but they must have an established blog with a good readership. Authors who wish to tour their books may contact me via the website.
M. C. (Mimi) Pearson
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